An Encouraging Word for Today

The Joy of the Lord Will See us Through any Season


I hope all is well with you today and that the Joy of the Lord is your strength. I am so thankful that this is the day that the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Here’s what we have for you today:

  • The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength

  • The Devil Wants You to Think He Is Someone

  • Join Me In a Short Prayer 🙏

The Joy Of The Lord Is Our Strength

Having a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ brings great joy into our lives; it is this joy that can get us through some of the toughest situations.

While our happiness may come and go with the changing of our circumstances in life, TRUE JOY, which can be found only through a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, is enduring and never-fading even in life's darkest moments.

Knowing Christ has paid the price for us opens the door to a lifetime of Joy. It is my prayer that you would experience the true Joy of the Lord every day!

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”

Galatians 5: 22-23

To hear 15 Worship Songs About Joy, just click HERE!

The Devil Wants You to Think He Is Someone

The devil would like you to think that he is big, scary, and powerful, but the truth of the matter is that he has already been defeated!

The devil was defeated over 2,000 years ago when the Lord Jesus Christ freely shed his blood for us at Calvary to pay the price for the sins of all mankind.

The devil and his minions have no power that can stand against us when our feet are firmly planted in Christ. The Bible tells us in Isaiah chapter 54 verse 17, that “No weapon that is formed against you will prosper…”.

God didn’t say that the weapons wouldn’t be formed, but He did say that they will not prosper.

When you are tempted to be afraid of the devil and His evil works, just remember, our savior, the Lord Jesus Christ is the Roaring Lion of Judah and the devil trembles at the very mention of His Name, JESUS! (James 2:19)

Amplify your prayer with the collective strength of Christians around the world. We make sure your prayer is heard by sharing it with Churches, Shrines and prayer groups worldwide by submitting your prayer here.

Join Me in a Short Prayer 🙏

Heavenly Father, we thank you today for the great joy that we find only through you. Lord, we ask that you would renew us and fill us with your great joy, giving us the strength to stand in the storms of life.

Lord, may our hearts be open and willing to share the joy that is within us by shining the light of Christ wherever we go.

Oh Lord, we thank you today for the reminder that we have nothing to fear, not even the devil when we are firmly planted and rooted in Jesus.

Lord, we ask for your guidance and protection each day as we strive to live a life that is pleasing and acceptable in your sight.

In the mighty and powerful name of Jesus, we pray all of these things, AMEN!

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Let Us Pray on Your Behalf 👇

Join us with this week’s short prayer video, and let us pray on your behalf. All you have to do is listen to our words and agree by adding amen! to the end.