We are Stronger Together

Hope Shines Despite Devastating Fires


Thank God for His unending faithfulness and for His mercy towards us every day! I pray that you will be encouraged and uplifted in the Lord today. No matter what we face in life, God is Greater!

What we have for you today:

  • What Does the Bible Say About Community

  • Church Miraculously Spared From Flames

  • Join Me in a Short Prayer ๐Ÿ™

Amplify your prayer with the collective strength of Christians around the world. We make sure your prayer is heard by sharing it with Churches, Shrines and prayer groups worldwide by submitting your prayer here.

What Does the Bible Say About Community

From the very beginning of time itself, the community has been important to God and His creation.

"Then the LORD God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him."

Genesis 2: 18

The Bible tells us that community is important because we were never meant to go through our lives alone. Some of us try so hard to do things in our own strength, but the reality is that we were never designed that way.

  • "Do not be deceived: 'Bad Company corrupts good morals.'" 

    1 Corinthians 15: 33

Always remember, associating with the wrong type of people can bring us down, and their bad habits, practices, or attitudes can begin to rub off onto us.

"Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ"

Galatians 6: 2

The Bible calls us to bear one another's burdens. Life is much more satisfying and enjoyable if we surround ourselves with a warm and loving Christian community.

One reason for the community is to care for one another during times of need. When one has a burden, we help them carry it, whatever that burden might be.

We are much stronger together than we ever could be alone! In a Christ-centered community, we gain strength from one another!

To read more on what the Bible says about Community, click HERE!

Church Miraculously Spared From Flames

On August 8th, wildfires broke out on the Island of Maui in Hawaii.

Sadly the fires have now all but destroyed Lahaina, one of Hawaiiโ€™s historic towns, and have now claimed the lives of at least 106 people, with nearly 1,000 still unaccounted for.

However, in the midst of the sorrow and devastation, a symbol of hope and a beacon of light for the community remains standing, miraculously untouched by the raging fires.

Despite the raging devastation of the wildfire, the 177-year-old Maria Lanakila Catholic Church still stands strong.

Credit: Image by News Nation

Reverend Terrence Watanabe believes it to be a miracle that the church building was spared.

For the residents of this once beautiful Hawaii town, seeing the church still there after the fires gave them hope.

I am so thankful that God is still there in our darkest moments! I am so thankful that no matter what storms or fires may rage, God is still in control!

โ€œfear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right handโ€

Isaiah 41: 10

Letโ€™s join together in prayer for the families who lost loved ones to these fires and for the community as they deal with the aftermath.

Join Me in a Short Prayer ๐Ÿ™

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the church community that you have given me to strengthen and encourage me.

Lord, thank you for reminding me that I was not created to go through my life alone. Please help me have the courage to ask for help when I need it.

Jesus, we lift up all the families who lost loved ones in the recent fires in Hawaii and we pray that you would give them comfort and peace through your Holy Spirit.

Lord, mold me and shape me to be more like you each day and let your Holy Spirit dwell richly with me.

In the name of the blessed Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN!

Review of the Week

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Amplify your prayer with the collective strength of Christians around the world. We make sure your prayer is heard by sharing it with Churches, Shrines and prayer groups worldwide by submitting your prayer here.

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